Beauxfort Blog

Create your dream approach. Make an exceptional first impression. Enhance your property. Achieve the perfect gravel driveway and grass parking areas with Beauxfort gravel driveway grid and grass protection systems.
A Guide to Gravel Driveway Sub-Bases

A Guide to Gravel Driveway Sub-Bases

If you’re going to lay a gravel driveway, you first need a sub-base. This will prevent your grid and gravel from simply sinking into the soil. It will also support load bearing. The difficulty is that this raises a lot of questions. There are all kinds of sub-bases...

The Key Benefits of Driveway Grids

The Key Benefits of Driveway Grids

We’re all familiar with the sight of half-bare gravel driveways, where the stones have been pushed to one side or into ridges. Muddy puddles and dirt make up the rest of the space. Ruining both the aesthetic and the function. Driveway grids were devised to address...

Gravelrings vs Standard Gravel Grids: The Ultimate Guide

Gravelrings vs Standard Gravel Grids: The Ultimate Guide

If you’ve ever used a gravel driveway, you’ll likely be aware that they have one major fault: gravel is mobile. So, while they look good and are cost-effective to put in, over time the gravel will disperse. It’ll be dislodged by wheels, kicked by children, pushed into...

The pros and cons of permeable surface options for driveways

The pros and cons of permeable surface options for driveways

In January this year, the Government published plans to make the incorporation of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) mandatory in new developments in England, with plans to implement the legislation in 2024. Many landscapers and homeowners will already be aware of...

Why embracing Schedule 3 is good for business

Why embracing Schedule 3 is good for business

In 2024, we can expect to see the implementation in England of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, intended to better control flooding and wastewater discharges. Schedule 3 will provide a framework for the approval and adoption of sustainable...

UK government challenges developers with biodiversity net gain targets

UK government challenges developers with biodiversity net gain targets

The UK government has set out an Environmental Improvement Plan to revitalise British soil and replenish countryside and coastlines. The 25-year Environmental Plan goal is to achieve a growing and resilient land, water and sea network richer in plants and wildlife....

Nutrient neutrality mitigation scheme for property developers

Nutrient neutrality mitigation scheme for property developers

New housing developments have helped increase the pollution in rivers, lakes and wetlands. New homes contribute to the problem by increasing wastewater, sewage and construction site runoff escaping into nearby waterways. These factors increase the environmental risk...